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Book your inspection

Children know play 
We know play spaces

The PLAY's the thing and we help you strike the delicate balance between real play value and the need to reduce hazards.
Book your inspection
It is a happy talent to know how to play
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Play is a child's right. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes "... the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child." (Article 31,1).

We have extensive knowledge and experience in play environments. We are active in IPA Canada (International Association for the Child's Right to Play) and other playground organizations.

Playground Inspections since 2000


"A-Wa-Sh-She-Gum-Ik, Bearskin Lake is located in the heart of Northern Ontario. A remote fly-in community, servicing can sometimes be a challenge. Working with Peter Kells with the Playground is never a challenge and they provide a 100% detailed completion report. The firm is completely professional in their work."

Darlene McKay
Director, A-Wa-Sh-She-Gum-Ik Child Care Centre
